My Journal: American Law School Girl, Hypocrite Guy And Appreciated Me Time

Haven't update my blog for a while, too busy with my real life and all the activities. I am trying to make dramaless on my life and also, I need to give a careless to negatives from all around the world. Yesterday I met this girl on meeting. At first time. Her name is Orchid. Nope, this is second time we meet. To be honest, I really don't like with this girl until my friend give a link to conversation with her. Surprisingly, we talk and match about the conversation. She went to New York for and graduated from Law School, and back to Indonesia. I said, Why? You can't have a match job here with your title since Indonesia won't receive your title, you should go to Fakultas Hukum, if you want to be a lawyer here to get your license of lawyer, or maybe prosecutor at least for requirements. The things are I talked silent around my work partners but when I come to someone who get open about mind, I feel click. Someday I will get my school around there, I am so dream about school around Pennsylvania, or maybe Yale? I leave my medical just for a future, even not my choice, hopefuly not make a double mistake, this time.

Anyway, last night I called my friend, let's call him Hypocrite. Yup! I make a relationship as a friend with Hypocrite from 2009 just because as work partners. Nothing more. I am nice guy and tried to be friendly. I help him when he needs something around this Jakarta. All I do for this guy is the best I can, but I know, inside my heart I really don't like this Hypocrite. Someday he will be used for my needs. I am not greedy or bad, but for people like this, there is no real pure heart. I hate for what he said last night, he told me that I am so stupid, even a joke. Let's see who is smart better for future. Being a prosecutor as a first than me is not make you stupidless. Be careful what you said to me, cause I am super analyzed guy. Anyway, I am a revenger (what a word) but I will laugh so hard when I saw you fall. People love to hurt by a joke. Simple, ask sorry then I will give my forgiveness, but like I said, I will give a dramaless for my life and keep my music blogging alive. 

Last but not real least, this week was so hard to me. I appreciated time for me so much, since I do't have much time and do what I don't like. Tortured inside? Most def. But today, I will spend my heart at my bed and raising my music blog. Happy is simple, right? Now I am having my appreciated me time! Yippie!!!
